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Mixed Set With Alpha Cock Blocker

Talking to an mixed set (group of guys and girls together) might be scary and talking to girl only groups might look easier. But talking to mixed groups can work for you.

An Alpha Cock Block is in most cases a guy who is going with a group of girls and he is acting like the Alpha male. When other guys try to talk to 'his' girls he tries to get rid of them by lowering their value in front of the girls. We would call this a cock block, or in this case an Alpha Cock Block.

There are some things we can do to improve our changes with an mixed set. The first thing you want to is to befriend the other guys in the group. You focus on the guys only ( at first) and fly under their radar. They don’t see you as an threat (how silly) and you chat with until you get the feeling that he respects you. And when you are lucky he will introduce you to 'his' girls but you can always start talking to the girls now on your own. And your value will be higher because you are a 'friend' of the Alpha in the group.

This is the best! You are in a group with attractive girls and the Alpha is helping you to seduce them.

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